
We Want Tacos! We Want Tacos!

Students enrolled in LVCC's Stones Crossing location (Easton) were disappointed to learn that tacos were not on the lunch menu in July. But, instead of sulking, they decided to make their voices heard! The school-age class wrote the kitchen staff a letter. The front of the card read, "Please, please, please bring back tacos!"

Randy Levan, LVCC's director of food services, was so delighted with the students' request, that he decided to pay them a visit personally. The students prepared a petition, detailing their reasons to "Bring Back Tacos" and elected a spokesperson for their growing taco movement.

With the help of their teachers, the students studied the food pyramid and based their argument on the nutritional value of tacos. According to their petition: 1) Tacos are healthy because there are veggies like lettuce and tomatoes. 2) They have protein in the meat 3) They contain dairy, protein, veggies and fruit 4) Taco shells are made of grain and wheat 5) Contains all elements of the food pyramid.

Congratulations Stones Crossing! All LVCC students will be enjoying nutritious and delicious soft tacos on August 11th!

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